Informacje z Euroregionu Bałtyk

Indigisetl-ne Indigise News Projects English pll_62a74b411db75 Indigise
Today (13/06/2022) there was another online meeting of the members of the Indigise project consortium dedicated to promoting social entrepreneurship in the youth sector using digital and informal educational tools, which we implement from the Erasmus + program
It was another in a series of e-reporting meetings of the Polish-Lithuanian-Latvian-Norwegian consortium, during which we were able to exchange experiences and comments from universities, non-governmental organizations, and professionals from the social business network from the provided and organized dedicated youth-oriented events, innovative educational tools that have aimed at the development of entrepreneurial competences in the field of social economy and the involvement of young people in it.
During the meeting, we focused on the most important management issues of the project, including:
1. Organization of the final meeting of the project partners in Poland
2. Review of performance indicators and major milestones of the project
3. Exchange of information on the course of dissemination events in each country
4. Preparation for the final report
5. Further development of the project theme under subsequent initiatives
From the point of view of the project partners, the most pleasing is the young people's involvement in project activities - both Youth Camp in Klaipeda (May 9-11, 2022) and workshops in Elbląg (06/06/2022, 06/13/2022 in Norway) as well as future events in Latvia and Lithuania, which is evidenced by with high social activity and the will to act of the young generation.
Although the project is nearing its final stage, it is worth continuing this idea and, based on the aids produced, expanding its effects by further cooperation on a micro and macro scale.