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Green Retention Conference - 14-16.04.2023, Gdańsk, Wyspa Sobieszewska
As always, we share good news with you! And this time our partner from the Gdansk University of Technology has made us curious about an extremely interesting and, above all, necessary for these times proposal to participate in a conference organised by Gdansk Water called the Green Retention Conference!!!.
WHEN: 14-16.06.2023
WHERE: Gdańsk, Wyspa Sobieszewska

The conference has an inspiring and content-rich programme, based primarily on practical workshops - a huge amount of practical knowledge will be provided by specialists from the Institute of Environmental Protection (IOŚ - PIB), who will talk about how to apply for funds from the FEnIKS programme with a budget of PLN 135 billion.
Preparation and financing of blue-green infrastructure projects in cities. Competitions are due to be launched later this year, with a large part of the funding going towards green solutions in cities. During the workshop, potential beneficiaries will be guided through the process of applying for these funds. The presenters will explain what are the necessary elements of an application, how to construct it and what are the most important criteria for its evaluation. They will also talk about what a Municipal Climate Change Adaptation Plan should contain in order to be in line with a grant application. There are also some surprises in store 😊.

Road engineers and retention specialists will talk about rain gardens in the road lane and how to avoid mistakes.
Road engineers from the Gdansk Roads and Greenery Authority and specialists from Gdansk Water will talk about how they work out green solutions in the road lane together. During the workshop, there will be joint work on the "design" of street inlets for rain gardens and overflows for sewers. You will see the pros and cons of specific solutions based on the Danzig experience.
Will it overflow or not overflow? Instead of guessing, it is better to count it. We have invited experts in hydrodynamic modelling to conduct simulations.
The next workshop is a practical modelling activity using MIKE software. Among other things, workshop participants will be able to simulate the relief of stormwater drains by introducing small retention elements into the model. In this way, the organisers hope to convince participants of the effectiveness of these solutions "on their own", as it were.
The event is chargeable, but municipalities for which ecology and water economy are important have the opportunity to reach for a ready-made recipe for water reuse solutions.
Further interesting information on the programme will follow shortly.
We warmly encourage you to participate in this event!