Informacje z Euroregionu Bałtyk

Indigisetl-ne Indigise News Projects English pll_62bc5df05bfe4 Indigise
Today (29.06.2022) was the last meeting of the Indigise project consortium implemented with the funds of the Erasmus+ online project, and unfortunately, it was the last farewell meeting of the participants because on 30 June 2022 the project comes to an end, and with it more than two years of work of social and scientific organizations for the promotion of social entrepreneurship in the youth sector through digital and informal educational tools.
During the meeting, the partner team from Lithuania, Latvia, Poland and Norway summarized all achieved main project milestones and among the topics discussed were
1. reports on the implementation of the project intellectual indicators IO1-IO2-IO3
2. informational promotional events for local youth
3. responsibilities and deadlines for the preparation of the final report
The conference also shared individual impressions of the project's most important value of being able to implement InnoCamps, which were a key part of the proposal. They were pilot initiatives for both Lithuania and Norway, which - once tested - were described in detail and made available to other stakeholders (teachers, experts, youth workers, NGOs, etc.) across Europe, who received a complete Handbook with a step-by-step guide on what to do to prepare a similar InnoCamp in their country/organisation.
The end of the project does not mean the end of the: Platform, which can still be used and developed and serve as an approach to self-learning in local languages throughout the Baltic Sea Region. It will continue to support self-learning for young learners as a continuation of innovation;
We encourage you to visit it, as the platform includes a database of social enterprises in the Baltic Sea Area and a calendar of events, making it a unique and distinctive source of networking and information exchange!
We will try to continue this initiative in future projects!