Informacje z Euroregionu Bałtyk

Green uptl-ne Green up. News English pll_66226e0149f8d Green up
Final conference of the GreenUp project
The GreenUp - Youth for Green Change in Schools and Local Communities project, implemented over the past two years, had its official conclusion today. The conference marking the end of the project took place in Olsztyn. During the event, we once again recalled and shared with the gathered audience all the most important events and achievements that occurred during the project implementation. Representatives of WAMA COOP Association, Elbląg Technology Park, Association of Polish Communes Euroregion Baltic, and Fønix AS spoke about cross-sectoral cooperation. Norwegian partners also talked about their work method with Norwegian youth - IPS. Invited guests, representing local government bodies including the City Hall in Braniewo and the Municipal Office in Miłakowo, discussed the future of youth cooperation in local governments. Meanwhile, representatives of youth environments presented a book of best practices, which includes projects developed by youth. There was also a panel discussion on topics related to youth community development, initiatives like 'youth for youth,' and youth engagement in ecology and nature conservation. The conference was hosted by Marcin Żuchowski from STG ERB and Mateusz Dąbkowski from WAMA COOP Association, for which we sincerely thank them.