Informacje z Euroregionu Bałtyk

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Events for NGOs - the ENGAGE! recommends!
NGOs are encouraged to participate in the very interesting but above all useful events organised in the region.
One of them is: How it's done. Transnational cooperation of NGOs (Jak to się robi. Współpraca międzynarodowa organizacji pozarządowych)
WHEN: 19 April 2023. Olsztyn, Hotel Omega, 4a Sielska Street
The topics of the panels coincide with those of the recent ENGAGE! and will include practical examples of international cooperation. This is an opportunity to meet people who are implementing international projects, including through the use of the ENGAGE project's International Co-operation Advice Bureau. Among others, there will be a panel presenting the project entitled "Green Up - Youth for Green Change in Schools and Communities", which will be presented by Mateusz Dobkowski from WAMA-COOP - an association which all NGOs should be friends with 🙂 Panellists will also include other people who are improving their skills in international cooperation with the Euroregion - Izabela Narożniak-Jakubowska from Gothic Castles, as well as other people who are extremely active in their activities.
We warmly encourage you to attend and engage in discussions with the panellists!
Another event is the Workshop for Smart Specialisation Leaders "Water Economy".
We encourage you to attend this event because it is about a specific speciality - water - which is particularly important these days. You will find out more about this at the meeting.
And if you are willing to collaborate at a higher level on water issues, we encourage you to read and complete the DECLARATION OF COOPERATION