Informacje z Euroregionu Bałtyk

Indigisetl-ne Indigise News Projects English pll_6284d5095a063 Indigise
Entrepreneurship among young people - educational camp in Klaipeda, Lithuania!
Youth representatives of local governments from Pomerania and Warmia and Mazury participate in a 3-day workshop on entrepreneurship, which from today on May 9 this year. began in Klaipeda, Lithuania and will last until Wednesday inclusive. The trip was organized as part of a project entitled: INDIGISE International camp for social entrepreneurship "Together we are stronger". Polish participants, together with their peers from Lithuania, Latvia and Norway, will promote youth social entrepreneurship in the Baltic Sea region, and will also seek positive social and environmental changes in society.
The workshop in Lithuania is a combination of the experience of specialists from universities, non-governmental organizations and business networks, who will act in accordance with the latest trends in education, and the participants of the Indigise project event will provide support and through educational tools used in non-formal education will:
- co-create youth-oriented, innovative educational tools to develop entrepreneurial competences in the field of the social economy;
- disseminate the idea of social entrepreneurship among young people in the northern region of Europe;
- provide the necessary competences and support tools to enable young people to develop ideas for social business;
- promote the concept of social entrepreneurship and support new social enterprises in the Baltic Sea Region create ways of encouraging young people to innovative and creative thinking, cooperation and risk-taking through two camps - InnoCamps, organized in Norway and Lithuania in 2021;
- co-create a document - InnoCamp Methodology Handbook - a step-by-step instruction on how to prepare a similar camp - InnoCamp for young people, which can be used by: schools, educators, non-governmental organizations, etc.

It will be an intensive learning period that may change the lives of young participants in the near future and put them on the path of true entrepreneurship.
Polish representatives:
Dawid Markun, Dawid Jędrzejewski, Olga Werner, Jakub Tomasik, Maja Karpiuk i Piotr Walewski.
The guardian of the Polish group is Mrs. Sylwia Jasiak, entrepreneurship specialist at the WAMA-COOP Association for the Development of Local Cooperatives and Entrepreneurship from Olsztyn, whom we would like to thank very much for accepting the invitation to participate in this event.