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ENGAGE! project - workshop February 2023! We invite NGOs!
Ladies and Gentlemen! Dear ENGAGE! project workshop participants, NGO representatives! We would like to ask you to reserve the date 22-23 February in your calendars. During these days, we are planning to organise a two-day workshop in Elbląg in the form of a hackathon.
"**A hackathon is an educational tool and allows you to get information, innovative ideas and solutions from multiple sources. It also works well for organisations - it can be used to facilitate and improve the execution of a specific task by a team that knows each other well. Hackathons are highly interactive sessions where we identify potential future scenarios based on the challenges of 2021 and 2022. By communicating ideas and concepts, visions are developed through approaches to practical development leading to a future scenario." - this note is authored by our project partner, the Association BISER
The group of participants will be 12-14 people.
We will send you the full invitation with the meeting programme after January 20th '23.