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ENGAGE! project - welcome to a summary of activities, June 17, 2023, Gdańsk
Let's meet at the ENGAGE! project summary conference! Saturdaj, June 17 in Gdańsk
It has been a great adventure for many NGOs, as this project specifically included third sector entities, offering them to gain knowledge and tools to increase their level of cooperation and start activities in an international environment. During the last event, the results that were achieved during the event will be presented.
The project aimed to help NGOs internationalize, strengthen projects and processes, already undertaken, and create a friendly climate for broad cooperation among local NGOs, equipping them with relevant competencies. Organizations that expressed interest in participating in the project had the opportunity to learn how to establish lasting international relations.
The results of the project activities will be presented in detail at an upcoming conference.
The success of the project, in addition to the visits, has been the operation of the International Cooperation Advice Bureau, which is used on a daily basis by many people representing different stakeholder groups.
During this time:
- we accomplished 8 workshops on international cooperation of NGOs,
- we made 4 international study visits (to Iceland, Norway, Finland and soon - to Belgium), to which we took a total of more than 15 NGOs,
- We held dozens of consultations with representatives of organizations that have decided to apply and embark on a joint international adventure in Programs such as: Erasmus+, EEA Grants, or Interreg;
- We have helped develop more than a dozen project applications (by suggesting partners from abroad, co-creating concepts with you and helping polish the application), which has resulted in several alreadygrants awarded and the start of new international projects in several NGOS that have not yet had this opportunity until now!
- We talked about the project and NGOs' international cooperation in the media, at NGO conferences, as well as at the Forum of the Baltic NGOs Network;
- We have published a bilingual Handbook of International Cooperation.
NGOs ENGAGE! - but also: we developed our network and met
fantastic community members from whom we ourselves have learned an
an incredible amount!