Informacje z Euroregionu Bałtyk

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ENGAGE! project supports socially important ventures, workshops September 13-14.09.2022, Gdańsk
The ENGAGE! project provides many opportunities for third-sector entities. NGOs from Pomerania and Warmia and Mazury benefit from the project's activities. The last 2 days, September 13-14 this year, were particularly important for them, as they were titled "Get to know your neighbors". This is because the European Solidarity Center in Gdansk hosted a workshop organized by BISER with the participation of partners from Norway. Organizations from Poland and Norway acquainted participants with the profile of their activities, shared their knowledge and experience, and encouraged mutual cooperation. This is an important breakthrough in the life of these organizations. Spending time together established relationships and perhaps future cooperation, which we strongly hope for.

Organizations from Norway present at this activity are: Batteriet Sor, which helps beneficiaries develop and create something together with others. It is a center for support, self-help and advocacy. Vigour Komune, whose vision is to work through sports as a tool for integrating young and old. Razem/Sammen - selfless sharing of everything people need to make everyday life better.