Informacje z Euroregionu Bałtyk

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ENGAGE! project - further successes of the international cooperation consultancy office and further activities
We can boast of more successes of the international cooperation advice office operating within the ENGAGE project! The list of projects funded by the Active Citizens - Regional Fund Program includes the "Green up" project consulted by our team. As a reminder, we would like to inform you that the international cooperation advice bureau operates under the ENGAGE! project, where our Association's team consults projects whose authors are Pomeranian and Warmian-Masurian NGOs. These consultations concern programs that finance projects for Baltic partners and create international cooperation.
The full name of the project is "Green up 2022-2024 - Youth for green change of schools and communities" combines both the non-governmental sphere (two Associations from Poland and one from Norway) with the local government sphere (ETP/Elbląg Municipality) supported by three local government units: Nowe Miasto Lubawskie, Braniewo, Dzierzgoń together with the education sector, i.e., school facilities located in the mentioned area. The first meeting of the project consortium was also held (read here), in which all partners participated.
The advice bureau has also been successful in developing another project funded by the South Baltic Seed Money program. This is the Health up project, which is currently in the process of developing a larger concept, based on a wide range of partners, including: Klaipeda University (Lithuania) - as leader, the Academy of Applied Medical and Social Sciences from Elblag, the Association of Municipalities of the Polish Euroregion Baltic, and the Spine Foundation from Olsztyn - the main originator of the project. A meeting of the partner consortium has already been held in Olsztyn and Elblag with the participation of all representatives deciding on the final shape of the whole project. The project will be submitted to the South Baltic program as part of the regular call for proposals this fall.
We would also like to draw your attention and at the same time encourage Representatives of NGOs from Pomerania and Warmia and Mazury to follow our news about the ENGAGE! project, because in September, on 13-14 in Gdansk, a very inspiring workshop in the field of co-creation will be held, the main feature of which will be the involvement of workshop participants in a creative way. September 13th will be a day of intensive learning, while a study visit will take place on the second day. We will post a link to this meeting on our website along with information about the meeting and will also send it out to organizations we consulted last year. Unfortunately, the NUMBER OF PLACES will be limited!