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ENGAGE! project. Co-creation warkshops for NGO's, 13-14.09.2022, Gdańsk
The ENGAGE! project opens another opportunity for the development of international cooperation of Pomeranian and Warmian-Masury NGOs. Already in September, on 13-14 in Gdansk (the exact place of the meeting will be announced later) will be held a co-creation workshop, the main goal of which is close cooperation of workshop participants and thus involvement in the creation process. Co-creation allows us to grasp multiple perspectives of the same problem and explore potential directions for their solution.
But this is not the only one benefit of these workshops. After all, representatives of NGOs from Norway - potential partners of emerging international projects - are invited to participate in them. A study visit for all participants is also planned during the workshop.
The workshop will be held in English.
The number of free places for this workshop is limited and the order of registration is important.
If you are interested in participating in the workshop, please apply here
Applications for participation: 12.08.2022
REMINDER! The project is implemented with a grant from the Active Citizens - National Fund funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Funds