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ENGAGE! Open call of the Warmia and Mazury Voivodeship Self-Government - opportunity for NGOs!
European Integration - open call for the realisation of public tasks of the Self-Government of the Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodeship from the subject matter which we also realise in the ENAGAGE project!
REMINDER! The competition runs until January 20th 2023!
The competition provides an opportunity for Warmia and Mazury NGOs to develop contacts and cooperation between societies. These activities are part of the Association's ENGAGE! project, whose aim is for our NGOs to undertake tasks giving development on an international level. Through small funds, you can gain experience and develop the mission of your organisations on the basis of foreign entities and jointly develop projects for large European Union programmes such as Interreg programmes, EEA Grants, the so-called Norway Grants, the Erasmus+ Programme, funds from the Swedish Institute, etc.
The necessary information on this competition can be found under this link
Moreover! NGO competition also includes other tasks in which Warmia and Mazury organisations can develop their skills useful for international cooperation within ENGAGE!, such as:
1) development of physical culture
2) culture and protection of cultural heritage
3) culture and protection of cultural heritage - concerning support for publications popularising and disseminating knowledge about the history and culture of the region
4) European integration and development of contacts and cooperation between societies - competition mentioned above
5) ecology and animal protection and protection of natural heritage
6) Development of tourism
7) social assistance
8) Activating local communities in rural areas
9) Promotion and protection of consumer rights
10) food and protection of culinary heritage
11) development of the non-governmental sector of the Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodship
12) activities for national and ethnic minorities
Competition offers should be submitted via the offer generator. The generator indicates contact persons for particular scopes of tasks. Detailed rules of participation in competitions, including deadlines for the submission of offers, are specified in individual competition announcements.
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