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ENGAGE! - international cooperation advice office - encourages participation in the Culture Program of the 3rd edition of the EEA Funds - THE CALL COMING SOON
Within the international cooperation advice office, we encourage you to follow the information about the work on launching the call for proposals for the CULTURE PROGRAM 3rd edition of EEA FUNDS.
The opening call for the Small Initiatives Program under the Bilateral Cooperation Fund will take place soon!
The Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, as the Operator of the Culture Program of the EEA Financial Mechanism for 2014-2021, informed on its website that work is underway to launch a new instrument to support bilateral initiatives.
We can read there:
"The primary objective of the instrument will be to enable long-term and broad cooperation between institutions from Poland and the Donor States (Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein). Moreover, taking into account the ongoing war in Ukraine and millions of refugees in Europe, the instrument shall aim at creating opportunities to include activities for the benefit of the Ukrainian minority.
The level of financing from the Bilateral Cooperation Fund will be up to 100% of eligible costs but not more than EUR 30,000. The minimum amount of the subsidy, in turn, is EUR 10,000. The call for applications will be announced in the September 2022 with a deadline for submitting applications at the end of the month. Initiatives may last up to 9 months; however, they must be concluded no later than October 31, 2023.
As part of Small-Initiatives, activities will be promoted small and local initiatives to increase the knowledge / specialization of partners on a previously agreed topic. Examples of action types are:
- creating networking platforms that increase access to cultural opportunities,
- professional development (workshops, seminars, conferences, trainings for the applicants / partners),
- working with experts in developing and trying out new work methods, professional strategic plans etc.,
- activities with an element of capacity building for artists / experts participating in the initiative,
- planning community-wide artistic or cultural events.
The call is open to entities from both Poland and the Donor States.
All Small-Initiatives must be implemented in partnership between a Polish entity and an entity from the Donor State.
Entities from Poland:
- public cultural institutions,
- state archives,
- art schools and art universities,
- churches or religious associations,
- non-governmental organisations from the field of culture,
- local government units,
- entities managing the facilities individually entered on the UNESCO list or recognized by the President of the Republic of Poland as Monuments of History,
- public and private commercial entities active in the cultural and creative sectors as defined in Regulation (EU) No 1295/2013 on the Creative Europe Programme;
Entities from the Donor States (Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein):
- any entity, public or private, commercial or non-commercial and non-governmental organisations, established as legal person in the Donor States and natural persons who are legal residents in Liechtenstein.
All information will be available on the website: in the Bilateral Cooperation Fund tab."
Information on the Programme Operator webside:
- tel .: (+48) 22 69 25 405