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Sztum Circular Economytl-ne News Projects Sztum Circular Economy English pll_649432515d800 Sztum Circular Economy
Ecological seminar for children and teenagers - School in Gościszewo
On June 5-6th, an ecological seminar was held as part of the project Sztum circular economy - the answer to contemporary climate challenges. The seminar was combined with a workshop attended by young people and their teachers from the School in Gościszewo. It was a very interesting and creative meeting, during which staff of the Gdańsk University of Technology from the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering discussed topics related to climate change, the life cycle of the product and changes in cycles in nature.

The aim of school workshops conducted by employees of the Gdańsk University of Technology is to support public policies, especially school activities in regions striving for a circular economy model through increased resource efficiency and reduced greenhouse gas emissions. It will consist in directing the young generation and teachers on topics related to waste and establish a clear, ambitious and long-term strategy of conduct at all stages: from production through consumption, repair and regeneration to waste management and obtaining secondary raw materials that are recirculated in the economy with the potential offered by the Municipality of the City of Sztum.