Informacje z Euroregionu Bałtyk

Green uptl-ne Green up. English pll_65240bbb975a9 Green up
Dzierzgoń - study visits within the GreenUp project
Another day was devoted to ecology and environmental protection as part of the GreenUp project. This time we worked in the municipality of Dzierzgon, where the participants were the representatives of the office and young people from the primary school named after the Millennium of the Polish State in Dzierzgon, the primary school in Bągart and the primary school named after Wanda Chotomska in Bruk. As yesterday, the visits were combined with brainstorming workshops, where together we considered how to further develop the Dzierzgon municipality in the field of ecology.

The first place visited was the RTI building, where the Regional Investment Company with its seat in Dzierzgon is located. The participants had the opportunity to hear about EU funds, funding mechanisms, the principles of granting loans and guarantees subsidised by the European Union, as well as the assumptions, daily work and plans related to ecology, of the visited institution.

The group then headed towards the eagle pitch, where, in addition to the pitch itself, the site visited included a skating track, a cycle track, a health trail, a playground and other interesting small architecture. The caretaker of the facility talked about the idea and the day-to-day operation of the site, which he described as the most welcoming for all residents of the town and the surrounding area, as confirmed by the local youngsters. The whole complex is a very large investment that is still in the process of being expanded and improved. During the visit, the young people also had the opportunity to voice their opinions about the site and possible future investments in the area of the site.

The final point was the Municipal Waste Selective Collection Point in Minety. There, the participants of the event were acquainted with the functioning of the PSZOK, the size and amount of waste stored, and the principles of waste collection. While visiting the point, we also had the opportunity to talk to young people about their daily habits related to waste segregation and behaviour related to ecology in its broadest sense.