Informacje z Euroregionu Bałtyk

Creative Wavestl-ne Creative Waves News Projects English pll_639b25d727530 Creative Waves
CREATIVE WAVES - summary of project results
The Creative Waves partners summarised the effects of the activities in reports designed to show the benefits of the project and what the project highlights, how it can support the needs of the target groups.
As a reminder: the Euroregion Baltic, the Baltic Sea Cultural Centre in Gdansk and the Estonian Centre for Women's Studies and Resources ENUT, led by Intercult Productions from Sweden, jointly implemented the project Creative Waves - Baltic Sisterhood for Change.
The Baltic Sea Cultural Centre in Gdańsk hosted the final event of this project in September.
SISTERHOOD - an untranslatable word! - is it true?
This slogan has accompanied the project's creators from the very beginning. The project was set up by a group of women from the Baltic Sea region. It was developed to support women's creative and social activities, making it easier for them to find their way in the digital world. The project helped the participating women to build a network, become more entrepreneurial and made it easier for them to present their activities online.
The word sisterhood is a keyword that we can translate as 'sisterhood' and was added to the Polish Wikipedia on 16 September this year, and is indeed a very contemporary definition. It is a new and creative trend of collaboration.
"We were fortunate that both “Creative Waves” project as a whole and the September series of meetings were co-created by wonderful women. Experts in various fields, craftswomen, organisers, participants in workshop activities.... Without them, this project would have not made sense. We are immensely grateful to each of the experts and participants for their contribution, for sharing their knowledge and experience" - participants say
Here is an important link that we recommend you read and watch!
We will publish all activity reports soon!