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Creative Wavestl-ne Creative Waves News Projects English pll_62b068186672d Creative Waves
Creative Waves - project effects
Creative Waves - Baltic Sisterhood for Change supports the creative and social activity of women, making it easier for them to find their place in the digital world. The project reaches female artists and activists operating in centers distant from the centers, supports building a network of connections between them and makes it easier for them to present their activities on the Internet. All this to strengthen the role of women in the process of building healthier communities and a friendlier space. Who creates the Polish version of the project?
Behind every cultural event and project there is a person, there is a team ... Creative Waves is a special undertaking that - entirely devoted to women - it is also entirely created by women. Some of us can be seen clearly, others remain hidden. It's high time we got to know / get to know each other:
this is how the Polish partner writes about the project. You can read more on the website of the Baltic Sea Cultural Center in Gdańsk.

The most important goals of the project:
- Help in creating a friendly, understandable and inclusive public physical and digital space by helping to understand and use digital tools in an innovative way, using intangible cultural heritage
- Help in building traditional and digital public spaces as friendly and safe for everyone, especially the more sensitive;
- Integration of vulnerable groups; young people, women, immigrants in physical and digital space;
- Promotion of female leaders (partners and creative) in the process of building resilience
- Women as creators of change;
- Through stronger social ties and the production of cultural artifacts, the project aims to help vulnerable groups to enter the labor market;
- Providing participants with skills essential for competitiveness and employability
- To act inspide of the Covid
- Empowering representatives of vulnerable groups: women, youth and immigrants to feel identity, continuity and belonging, and provide them with employability-relevant skills;
- Helping to achieve greater gender equality by making women stronger despite the increased burden of pregnancy, social disruption etc;
Helping to build a sense of embeddedness in society and group;
- Encourage participants to act together and restore / revive some traditions and past activities, adapting them to current conditions, to halt climate degradation and build stronger social ties;
- Help to keep traditions and old activities alive and serve society in new conditions
- Use of recycled materials, exchange information on traditional and new ways of circularity
- Assist in the implementation / promotion of the EUSBSR, the European Green Deal and SDGs and make participants aware of the macroregional approach to finding common solutions;
- Project participants follow a circular approach and learn about traditional and more innovative ways of healthy, sustainable life - they will be better prepared to further adapt and share green / digital tools;
- Encourage participants to act together and restore / revive some traditions and past activities, adapting them to current conditions, to halt climate degradation and build stronger social ties;
- To show how art, culture, cultural interventions can help to respond to the contemporary challenges of the climate crisis, social unrest, digitization, deterioration of mental health, sense of security and belonging;
- Sensitize participants to stop environmental degradation and stop negative changes - participants will learn that many traditional habits (especially those related to the circular economy, less consumption, living closer to nature and in harmony with it) can be revived to improve the situation;
- Creation of new formats for expressing the intangible cultural heritage of the Baltic Sea;
- By exploring traditions, crafts, and ways of spending time together, the project aims to reinvent and redefine common 'Baltic' traditions and approaches;
- By exchanging information and finding common / new practices and cultural approaches, the project aims to raise awareness of the common Baltic heritage;
- The project aims to strengthen the contemporary identity of the BSR and introduce "Balticness" to rural areas
The project will implement its last activities in Gdańsk in September 2022 during the final conference.