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Creative Wavestl-ne Creative Waves News Projects English pll_633eb33cd967e Creative Waves
CREATIVE WAVES - how was the work of partners looked like
Find out how was the work of the Creative Waves partners looked like, a project aimed at supporting socially vulnerable groups, looked like. Whether they are in fact vulnerable, find out what good a home-based artist can do. Popularizing folk embroidery in everyday clothing and household items is their specialty.
The project has received support from the Council of Baltic Sea States Fund.

The project “Creative Waves – Baltic Sisterhood for Change”, a cooperation between Intercult from Sweden, Euroregion Baltic and Baltic Sea Cultural Centre from Poland, Estonian Women’s Studies and Resource Centre (ENUT), and activists from Kaliningrad Oblast, has come to an end. With this project, we empowered women in the Baltic Sea Region by meeting traditional crafts, local traditions and customs etc. with the digital modern world and its demands for change.
The project final powerful event was in Gdansk, 25 – 27 September in Baltic Sea Cultural Centre and partially online. “Talks to Empower” was a three-day series of meetings and accompanying events: presentations, shows and workshops that took place at the Baltic Sea Cultural Centre in Gdańsk (we encouraged you to participate here). The programme was amazingly rich with lectures, workshops and panels from international experts – inspiring women.

The event kicked-off in Miasto Gdańsk with some amazingly inspiring warm-up micro-workshops, shows & discussion with artists and craftswomen from Pomorskie, Województwo Warmińsko Mazurskie and Sweden.

Was discussed female entrepreneurship and the importance of building supportive environments. The project has built a sense of identity and belonging, and it is hoped that this is the beginning of a larger movement to empower women in local communities and the Baltic Sea region more broadly!

During the "Talks to Empower" with guests from four countries in the Baltic Region, discussions included women's entrepreneurship and the importance of building supportive communities. The guests focused on the practical aspects of turning passion into a profession, and considered how to use "sisterhood," empathy and solidarity to strengthen society. Traditionally women's activities (e.g., embroidery, jewelry making, herbalism) and their role in community building will serve as a starting point for future meetings.
There is a chance for the similar projects in the future!