Informacje z Euroregionu Bałtyk

Sztum Circular Economytl-ne News Projects Sztum Circular Economy English pll_6284c777a3e62 Sztum Circular Economy
We are pleased to announce that last week (May 11, 2022) the Project Leader - the City and Commune of Sztum represented by the Mayor Leszek Tabor and city treasurer Mrs Danuta Wiatrowska, signed a contract on behalf of the project consortium at the headquarters of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Warsaw project entitled Sztum circular economy - a response to contemporary climate challenges, which is a successful culmination of nearly 2 years of efforts to implement new local investments as well as information and education activities for our member governments.

The signing of the contract took place through Mr Artur Michalski, vice-president of the management board of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management and the Mayor of Sztum, Leszek Tabor, who on behalf of the beneficiary and the program authorities, signed in Warsaw a contract for co-financing the project "Sztum circular economy - a response to contemporary climate challenges".

The commune's efforts to obtain funds began in September 2020, and from nearly 50 applications submitted by the decision of the Ministry of Climate and Environment five of them were selected. Sztum's success would not have been possible without the participation of national partners in the project - the Association of Polish Communes Euroregion Baltic and the Gdańsk University of Technology, and the Norwegian partner - International Development Norway.
As part of the project, it is planned to build a modern Municipal Waste Selective Collection Point, a warehouse and a repair hall where residents will be able to return unnecessary things, suitable for reuse. A wide range of information and education activities has also been planned.
The total value of the project is over 5 million PLN, of which the co-financing is 4.3 million PLN.
The signing of the contract begins the official period of implementation of a wide range of hard and soft activities both in the Municipality of the City of Sztum and in our member self-governments, because the project itself also provides for large-scale network activities aimed at creating further similar initiatives and creating a forum for dialogue and discussion on local problems in the field of ecology, the circular economy in a larger perspective.
An important activity under the SCE project will be NETWORKING - consisting of the creation of a working group at our Association in the field of combating climate change and implementing initiatives in the field of blue and green growth
The aim of the created group will be to strengthen the operational level of cooperation in the field of circular economy and climate mitigation based on the creation of an informal thematic group of specialists from two regions operating at STG ERB and MIG Sztum.
Its task will be:
- Strategic planning of adaptation / mitigation measures and creation of local and regional policies in the field of counteracting and adapting to climate change;
- Exchange of good practices and inspiration for local and regional activities;
- Initiating multi-sector cooperation and engaging in discussions and dialogue representatives of units, scientific institutions, units and institutions as well as their experts and specialists in the field of environmental protection and counteracting climate change;
- Enabling the establishment of cooperation and the development of new design initiatives.
Creating a support network will be based on 5 thematic meetings and study visits for institutions and employees, as well as conducting intersectoral dialogue and the development of new initiatives (design, training) and lobbying for circular economy processes and activities in the field of green growth.
What's ahead in the project:
Initial conference on 08-09.06.2022 to be held at the City and Commune Office of Sztum, ul. Mickiewicza 39, with the participation of a number of invited guests and experts.