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Catalyst project partners meeting - online, June 10th 2022
On Friday, June 10th 2022, another meeting of the Catalyst project partner team took place. In the meeting took part partners from Poland (Association of Polish Communes Euroregion Baltic, Media Dizajn and Center for European Meetings "Światowid"), Germany (University of Wismar) and Sweden (Skane Nordost).
The CATALYST project is focused on building an international network and a platform for activating local institutions, authorities, organizations or other entities (including politicians) working for the involvement, better spending of time and involvement of young people in social, cultural and business life in the Baltic Sea Region. and seeing how local areas can be a friendlier environment for the younger generation. Joint activities undertaken by project members should allow participating organizations and their local supporters to be more active in the field of support/involvement of young people, establish cross-sector cooperation and help them in the future to revise the offer, consult it with young people - this way it will be better adapted to the needs and challenges identified by youth.
The project partners plan to prepare two project applications related to youth under the project. At this stage of preparing the project draft, the partners are looking for additional partners, both those with a full budget and associated partners.
The project leader discussed the next steps related to the formal part of the project, i.e. the procedure for reporting costs and substantive activities and the preparation of the so-called concept paper.
The last part was about the next physical workshop, which will take place in Elblag in July. Those interested in participating in the workshop and future applications are kindly asked to contact us. The workshop will take place on 13-14th of July 2022.