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Call for proposals under the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2021 -2027
"United by the Sea in Action for a Blue and Green Future - An Innovative, Sustainable, Attractive and Active South Baltic".
Please take a look at the call for proposals for the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2021-2027.
The call for proposals will run until 15 February 2023.
The programme aims at actions focusing on economic, environmental and social development, natural and cultural heritage and cooperation between different heritage actors and cooperation between different actors in the area. Above all, the programme aims to improve the quality of life for residents through the blue and green growth of the area.
Applications for projects under the 1st Call for Proposals can be submitted under all axes of the Programme Priorities and Measures.
PRIORITY 1 - Innovative South Baltic
PRIORITY 2 - Sustainable South Baltic
PRIORITY 3 - Attractive South Baltic
PRIORITY 4 - Active South Baltic.
The budget for the entire call is: 79.9 million EUR
The application package and supporting materials can be found in the Call for proposals section of the Programme website ->
Project applications should be submitted through the WOD2021 system
In addition, the Joint Secretariat has scheduled online meetings.
Online meetings: 26 January, 2 February and 9 February 2023 from 10.00-12.00 CET
Applicants can also ask specific questions about the WOD system prior to the online meeting by using the registration form or send questions to
The Joint Secretariat is providing a series of individual consultations (online or in person at JS headquarters).
The consultations will take place from 23-25 January and 30 January - 1 February 2023.
Registration for individual consultations will be open until 18 January 2023
In order to register for the consultation, the owner of the project idea must complete the project idea template.
If you want to develop and implement your ideas while building your brand among international partners, we encourage you to take advantage of this call and we, as the Secretariat of the Association, will support you in developing your proposal and building consortia to find the best and well-fitting solutions for your needs.