Informacje z Euroregionu Bałtyk

Aktywny Kreatywnytl-ne Active Creative News English pll_64ec930304a30 Aktywny Kreatywny
BALTIC HOME exhibition
On Friday evening, 25 August, the opening of the design exhibition 'Baltic Home' took place at the EL Gallery Art Centre. After a ceremonial welcome to the guests by the organisers and the Elbląg authorities,
Participants in the exhibition had the chance to get acquainted with original exhibits from the field of carpentry and interior design. The exhibition, which presented furniture and interior elements of Baltic homes created by local and international artists, provided an opportunity to compare contemporary design with the classics of coastal creativity. Each utilitarian object, each piece of furniture, presented during the exhibition, was designed according to the author's concept, using the craftsmanship method. Visitors were provided with information material to explore each exhibit in greater depth.
The event also featured a performance by one of Szczecin's talented artists, whose art conveys an important social message, which can also be learned about by visiting the EL Gallery Art Centre in Elbląg.
The exhibition will be open until 3 September 2023. Those who have not yet had the opportunity to see it live are cordially invited to visit it.
The event is being held as part of the project 'AkTYwny KreaTYwny - stimulating the spirit of cultural and creative entrepreneurship'. Together we are working towards a green, competitive and inclusive Europe. The project is funded by Iceland Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Funds under the Active Citizens - Regional Fund programme. The activity is co-financed by the Municipality of Szczecin.