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ATTENTION!!! The 4th Seed money call for proposals within Seed Money Interreg South Baltic Programme is launched
The Interreg South Baltic Programme 2014-2020 (ISBP) open the 4th Seed money call on 27 September 2022.
The deadline for submission of the project proposals is 21 November 2022 (4:00 p.m. CET).
The purpose of each seed money project proposal is to develop a concept of the future regular project to be implemented and financed under the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2021-2027.
The Application Pack and supporting materials for the 4th Seed money call can be found in the section Call for proposals on the Programme website.
The latest version of the Programme document relevant for the 4th Seed money call can be found here.
Also!!! A webinar and consultation is organized
The Joint Secretariat organises a webinar for applicants of the 4th Seed money call on 18 October 2022 from 09:00 to 11:00 (CET). The main information about the Programme requirements and instructions will be presented followed by the Q&A session.
To register for the webinar, click here.
The agenda is available here.
* Please provide your consent to the GDPR rules for the meeting when registering at the event. Click here to read the GDPR rules.
The Joint Secretariat organise a series of individual consultations (online or in person if on the JS premises) to discuss particular and specific questions related to your project individually.
The consultations will be provided from 19 to 28 October 2022.
The duration of each individual consultation is max. 1 hour.
When registering for the individual consultation, please write an email providing brief information about the Seed money project idea, targeted ISBP 2014-2020 Specific Objective, as well as ISBP 2021-2027 targeted Measure at:
In case of questions, please contact the Project Officers at the JS.
If you want to develop your ideas based on international cooperation programs, we encourage you to take advantage of this call, and we, as the Secretariat of the Association, can support you in building a project consortium, developing a proposal to find good solutions for the project.