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ATTENTION! New support for international projects - 15.02.2023 CBSS call for proposals started!
The ENGAGE! project is an endeavor that provides NGOs with a range of information about competitions that give them a chance to develop international projects.
We would like to inform all interested parties about the new call for proposals - as of today, i.e. February 15, the competition for the Council of Baltic Sea States program has started! We encourage you to submit projects for cooperation with foreign partners. The call for applications will last until March 31, 2023!
Eligible partners must be from, e.g., Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland and Sweden.

The Project Support Facility was established by the Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS) in 2012 to co-finance projects in the Baltic Sea region to promote sustainable partnerships in relation to the CBSS' three long-term priority areas. The first PSF Call was held in 2013.
The CBSS, through its Project Facility, invites all eligible entities in the Baltic Sea Region (BSR) to apply for grants to implement small-scale, community-based or profession/expert-based projects.