Informacje z Euroregionu Bałtyk

Active Creativetl-ne Active Creative English pll_653a498935845

Active Creative - business start-up workshop

We would like to invite all people who are planning to start their own business to a workshop. The workshop will take place on Wednesday, 25 October, from 10:00 to 14:00 at the Elbląg Technology Park, 1 Sulimy Street in Elbląg.

Meeting agenda:

During the meeting, participants will learn: what you need to do to set up your own business in Poland, what is innovation and why it is worth talking about it, why NIP alone is not enough - where to start acting.

The workshop will be led by certified business coach Ewelina Strawa.

As we can read on the ETP website - 'Ewelina has a wealth of experience in helping entrepreneurs achieve success, she is able to find unique solutions for each person and each idea. During the workshop, she will answer all your questions and give you practical tips".

Participation in the workshop is free of charge and places are limited.

To register your participation, please contact us at: or phone no: 55 237 47 38.

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