Informacje z Euroregionu Bałtyk

Aktywny Kreatywnytl-ne Active Creative English pll_6539195da6e02 Aktywny Kreatywny
Workshop on setting up and running a business
Today, as part of the Active Creative project, a workshop was held on setting up and running a business. The Elbląg Technology Park brought together people interested in developing their professional paths to find out what steps need to be taken to set up a business and run it successfully, especially at the first stage of activity. The workshop leader, Ms Ewelina Strawa, shared her knowledge and extensive experience as a certified business coach with the participants. The training programme included such issues as what specific steps should be taken to set up one's own business in Poland, what innovations are and why it is worth talking about them, and why NIP alone is not enough - where to start. Participants not only listened to the theoretical part on the above topics, but also had the opportunity to actively participate in mutual interaction with the presenter.