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Engage!tl-ne Engage! News Projects English Engage!
What is happening in the ENGAGE! project
Many activities of the ENGAGE project! behind us, but a lot more to come!
We present a report on the implementation of some of them. On the information boards there is a summary of the information about the project, a description of the partners participating in this project, the source of funding and a photo report. There is also information on why it is worth taking the trouble of international cooperation. As part of the project, there is an international cooperation advice office located in the Association, which supports inexperienced NGOs and helps to establish international cooperation in the field of interested entities - please contact us.

ENGAGE! is addressed to non-governmental organizations from Pomerania and Warmia and Mazury, for which this project was created with a view to increasing the involvement of these entities in international cooperation. Several activities have already been implemented: a kick-off conference - during which organizations could present themselves and find out why it is worth cooperating with foreign partners; basic-level workshops, which will be continued with workshops for advanced people using the Hackhaton method; the playbook "A Strategic Approach to International Collaboration and Project Work" was created; study visit to Iceland to establish contacts with local organizations.
The project assumes that one of the ways of building new, strong international teams will be co-creation - jointly creating value. And this form will be presented during the next study visit to Norway, where the Norwegian partner will show the participants what this seemingly minor difference is when it comes to creating together. Co-creation has a huge impact on the way NGOs operate and this is what Polish representatives will learn. Departure to Norway soon, on May 31 - June 2 this year. It will be attended by 3 organizations from Pomerania and 3 from Warmia and Mazury under the supervision of the project leader from BISER.
The implementation of the entire project will last until July 2022.
We will keep you updated on the next steps.