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Waterman - study visit in Berlin - day 1
A study visit within the Waterman project is underway. Today we worked in Berlin. In the first part of the day we participated in a partner meeting, where the current project activities and important progress of the Waterman work were presented, then we listened to a lecture on the solutions of the new EU directive on urban wastewater treatment for water reuse in the EU.
The second part of the day was devoted to a tour of the most modern wastewater treatment plant in Berlin - Berliner Wasserbetriebe. The treatment plant is a company that supplies Berlin with water and treats wastewater. It currently provides drinking water supply to all Berliners and treats wastewater using the latest and innovative technologies. It is one of the largest companies with a long experience in the water industry.
Ahead of us is the second day of our stay and participation in a conference on water reuse taking place in Potsdam.