Informacje z Euroregionu Bałtyk

Think Global, Act Localtl-ne News Projects Think Global, Act local English pll_6283993ad4b35 Think Global, Act Local
Think global, Act local - Preparations to start the project
As part of the Active EUcitizens program, funding was awarded to the project "Think global, Act local". On 11 the of May 2022, the first meeting of the full partner team took place. Participants from Romania, Italy, Spain, Greece and Poland presented their organizations and areas of activity they deal with on a daily basis.
Project activities will start in July 2022. The first activity will take place in Elbląg (Poland).
The following issues were discussed during the online meeting:
- State of play Active EUcitizens project, precontracting and stand-by for implementation
- Partnership Agreement and administrative aspects
- Planning of the upcoming activities, setting and blocking the dates, distribution of tasks in the consortium