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Summary of 2.5 years of project implementation - celebrations on June 17 in Gdansk
It will soon be the end of the ENGAGE! project, which lasted 2.5 years. BISER - the leader of the project summarized the activities aimed at equipping Pomeranian and Warmia-Mazury NGOs with competencies to start and develop international cooperation in the area of their activities.

What happened:
- we carried out 8 workshops of international cooperation of NGOs,
- we made 4 international study visits (to Iceland, Norway, Finland and soon - to Belgium), to which we took more than 15 NGOs in total,
- we held dozens of consultations with representatives of organizations that decided to apply and adventure together internationally in Programs such as: Erasmus+, EEA Grants, or Interreg;
- we helped to develop more than a dozen project applications (suggesting foreign partners, co-creating concepts with you and helping to polish the application), which resulted in several grants already awarded and the start of new international projects in several NGOS that have not yet had this opportunity!
- we talked about the project and NGOs' international cooperation in the media, at NGO conferences, and at the Baltic NGO Network Forum;
- we published the bilingual NGOs ENGAGE International Cooperation Handbook!:
- but also: we developed our cooperation network and met fantastic social scientists, from whom we learned an incredible amount ourselves!
June 17, the official closing of the project will take place in Gdansk. On behalf of the leader of the BISER Association, we cordially invite you! Therefore, we encourage representatives of NGOs from Warmia and Mazury, who are willing to take part in the celebrations, to apply to our Association. We want you to share with other participants your experiences of cooperation within the ENGAGE project!
Details of the program coming soon!