Informacje z Euroregionu Bałtyk

SCONEtl-ne News Projects SCONE English pll_66a243e9256cb SCONE
SCONE project - sustainable development initiative
The first working meeting of Elbląg partners of the SCONE project is behind us. It was attended by: Piotr Kowal Vice President of the City of Elbląg, Hanna Mierzejewska - Director of the Complex of Technical Schools in Elbląg, Agnieszka Jurewicz - Director of the Second High School in Elbląg, and employees of the Association of Municipalities of the Republic of Poland Euroregion Baltic with its Director, Marcin Żuchowski. In the office of the Deputy Mayor, the most important elements of the project talking about the benefits for the involved educational institutions from Elblag were discussed, as well as formal issues related to the course of the project activities.
During today's meeting, plans for the next few months were discussed. The next working meeting of Polish partners is scheduled for September with the participation of all Polish partners, from Gdansk and Elblag.

The project's focus is on high school sustainability development and pro-environmental activities, working with teachers and students and strengthening non-formal learning. The project aims to fill this critical gap by developing and implementing innovative educational programs that equip youth with the knowledge and skills they need to take meaningful action in the face of the global climate crisis. In this project, we seek to inspire and equip the coming generations to be leaders in the fight against climate change.
The project will result in the creation of a network of organizations that will work closely together. These organizations will work together to promote sustainability using a holistic approach involving individual educational institutions. Teachers at secondary schools and teachers' colleges will have the opportunity to increase their ability to collaborate by focusing on education for sustainability as a teaching practice.
SCONE is a 3-year initiative that involves many South Baltic area stakeholders, including those from Elblag, but it is also not the only sustainability-themed initiative targeting the city. We are also including Elblag in the emerging USALL project on urban land conservation and development, an initiative co-created with residents.