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SB Nudgingtl-ne News Projects SB Nudging English pll_62b97529ef896 SB Nudging
SB Nudging - workshop in Sweden 22-23.06.22
On June 22 and 23, 2022, we had a physical workshop and project partner meeting which took place in Sweden.
During two fruitful days, the partners of the SB Nudging project implemented under the Interreg South Baltic program had the opportunity to develop activities for the main project application jointly. Apart from the Association's representatives, the workshop was attended by representatives of the city of Malbork, who are interested in the topic of Nudging and would like to use the help of partners to introduce it to their city.
During the workshop, many interesting ideas were created that will be included in the future design application. Among other things, as part of the project, we want to:
- make urban space more attractive and pro-ecological
- reward people involved in positive change for their efforts
- identify residents and visitors territorially within a given place
- encourage people to reduce littering in the city during the season (double the amount of rubbish in and outside the rubbish bins)
- persuade people to clean up after themselves, animals and pets
- persuade people to segregate rubbish intuitively
The project will consist of full partners and associate partners from groups such as:
- Municipal and Housing Company
- Tourist Information Point
- Local schools
- Youth councils
- Local Businesses - Other self-goverments
We thank the project leader for organizing the EU-kontor Skåne Nordost workshop. Among the partners who took part in the meeting were:
- Gdynia Sports Center,
- Public Institution Rietavas Tourism and Business Information Center,
- EUCC - The Coastal Union Germany,
- Association of Polish Communes Euroregion Baltic.