Informacje z Euroregionu Bałtyk

Aktywny Kreatywnytl-ne Active Creative English pll_64ec7b0eb031f Aktywny Kreatywny
Organisational meeting of the Active Creative project
A meeting of the partners of the Polish side of the Active Creative project took place on 24 August. The plan was discussed for the opening of the exhibition 'Baltic Home. Local Dialogue'. and accompanying events. The exhibition will feature works by contemporary local artists from the Baltic Sea area who design functional furniture and original interior design elements.
The exhibition, which is currently being prepared, is part of the Active Creative project to stimulate the spirit of cultural and creative entrepreneurship. The artists can be supported and developed thanks to the acquisition of funds from the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage from the EEA Funds under the 'Active Citizens - Regional Fund' programme and aims to strengthen business, cultural and entrepreneurial competences among representatives of the creative sector from Poland and Norway.