Informacje z Euroregionu Bałtyk

WaterMantl-ne News WaterMan English pll_65363f4e61782 WaterMan
Online meeting of the WaterMan project
October 18 this year Another online meeting of the Waterman project consortium took place. Each partner presented information about their current involvement at the stage of implementation of project tasks. The talks also concerned the physical meeting on Bornholm, which will take place in early November. The issue of participation of potential guests and experts who were invited to participate in the next project meeting was raised. General issues related to the trip were also discussed.
We have been implementing the Waterman project since January this year. Completion of project activities is planned for the end of 2025. The main idea of the project is to promote water reuse in the Baltic Sea region by building capacity at the local level.

More about the project at the link: