Informacje z Euroregionu Bałtyk

Newstl-ne News English pll_660154c5a1335

Meeting with the Head of Gronowo Elbląskie Municipality

Today we had the pleasure of visiting the Gronowo Elbląskie Commune Office, where we met with the mayor of Gronowo Elbląskie Commune, Marcin Ślęzak. During the meeting, we handed over to the mayor the officially signed resolution of the Board of the Association of Municipalities of the Republic of Poland Euroregion Baltic, on accepting Gronowo Elbląskie as a member of our Association. Together, we discussed the overarching directions for future activities related to obtaining European funding and the needs of the commune's residents. The ceremonial welcoming of the new commune will take place at the next General Meeting of the STG ERB.

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