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Meeting of SB Nudging project partners - online
On Friday, June 10th 2022, another working meeting of the SB Nudging project partners took place.
The SB Nudging project aims to educate people through the use of a nudging tool that can be described as "pushing" / "encouraging" people to make changes. By doing so, it is possible to reduce the amount of waste and litter in tourist destinations and make them more environmentally sustainable. Tourists and visitors need to understand the importance of the environment and be more aware of the sustainable environment.
The meeting was attended by partners from Sweden (Skane Nordost), Poland (Association of Polish Communes Euroregion Baltic and Gdynia Sports Center), Germany (EUCC - The Coastal Union Germany) and Lithuania (Public Institution Rietavas Tourism and Business Information Center).
The following topics were covered:
- Participants of international workshops
- The program of international workshops
- Affiliate agreement and signatures
The purpose of the physical meeting in Kristianstad (Sweden) will be to prepare the so-called concept paper document. During the joint workshop, the partners together with potential future project partners will work on the overall future of the extended concept. In addition, each participant will have the opportunity to get to know individual organizations.