Informacje z Euroregionu Bałtyk

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Last training session of the ENGAGE! project, Elbląg, 30.03.2023
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Representatives of Non-Governmental Organisations from Warmia and Mazury,
The Association of Municipalities of the Republic of Poland Euroregion Bałtyk is pleased to invite you to the last of a series of workshop trainings, which is aimed at NGOs from the Warmia and Mazury Region. This activity is one of many activities of the international project ENGAGE! dedicated to NGOs to develop international cooperation.
We will meet on 30 March at the headquarters of the Association of Polish Municipalities Euroregion Baltic in Elbląg, ul. Stary Rynek 25, room 300 (3rd floor).
The event aims to:
- raise awareness of undertaking international activities
- improve professional skills in developing international cooperation
- be inspired to mobilise your strengths to work more effectively in project teams
- get to know innovative tools to work more creatively
Format of the workshop:
World Cafe workshops conducted using an innovative method
Experienced trainers, working with innovative tools
Leader of the ENGAGE! project:
Baltic Institute for European and Regional Affairs (BISER) from Gdynia
Association of Polish Municipalities Euroregion Baltic
Agder Fylkeskommune
Registration accepted until 17 March this year at 15:00