Informacje z Euroregionu Bałtyk

Green uptl-ne Green up. News English pll_65c62df0cebfc Green up
GreenUp project - the last meeting of the Roundtables
The second day of creating project fiches from GreenUp, in Nowy Miasto Lubawskie, resulted in the creation of three more very interesting and inspiring initiatives that have a chance to be implemented in the future. The young people demonstrated their creativity and substantive approach, at the stage of drawing up a list of potential project activities, as well as opportunities and threats that may arise during their implementation. For their participation in the workshop, we would like to thank students from the Jan Paweł II Primary School No. 1, the Janusz Korczak Primary School No. 2 and the New Town Philomats Primary School No. 3. And next Monday, the next stage of the GreenUp project activities, that is, the first "public hearings", which will be held in Braniewo.