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Green uptl-ne Green up. News English pll_65706cea39999 Green up
GreenUp project - Sfera LAB workshop
Another visit of young people to the Elbląg Technology Park, at the SferaLab workshops, is behind us. This time, Elbląg was visited by pupils from the John Paul II Primary School No. 1 in Nowe Miasto Lubawskie. The youngsters participating in today's event, organised within the framework of the GreenUp project, gained a wide range of knowledge on the subject of ecology and the protection of our planet, and, like their colleagues from previous groups, had the opportunity to take part in interactive activities. There was also a very interesting and informative discussion about 'what it's all for'. The workshop animators explained the seriousness of the situation, related to global warming and the threat of pollution, in an accessible and rational way. The next group and the next workshop are next Tuesday.