Informacje z Euroregionu Bałtyk

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Euroregion Baltic meeting in Brussels
On November 6-7th, 2024 the members of Euroregion Baltic (ERB) gathered in Brussels.
ERB consists of 8 members from Denmark, Lithuania, Poland and Sweden. During the past 25 years the organization has worked with political cooperation whose main scope is to boost cross-border relations for economic, social and political development.
Discussions with the members of the European Parliament:
ERB met Members of the European Parliament, Jacek Protas and Janusz Lewandowski to discuss security challenges and the ever more complicated geopolitical environment that Europe is facing as well as the EU strategic agenda for 2024-2029 in the context of the ongoing discussions on the relevance and future direction of Cohesion Policy. During the discussions ERB stressed the importance of EU’s partnership with regional and local authorities in strengthening cohesion and growth policy and the regions’ central role.
Resolution on the Future EU Budget
ERB made a resolution advocating firmly for the EU Budget's investment capacity, EU regions’ central role in the programming and implementation of the Cohesion funds, multilevel governance as a crucial prerequisite for Cohesion policy, and increased funding for territorial cooperation programmes. ERB also supported the European Commission President’s plan to set up a Youth Advisory Board.
Preparing for 2025
ERB adopted the Launch Plan for the European Groping for Territorial Cooperation. We are approaching the conclusion of the application process and this detailed description of concrete administrative activities will facilitate a smooth transition into a new structure.
ERB decided also to approve the Annex to the ERB 2030 Agenda, the strategic document specifying priorities for the ERB cooperation The Annex defines more specific goals related to the ERB 2030 Agenda and offers guidance for a new ERB secretariat.
Final statement
“In these times with of dynamic changes both on the global and European level, we have to work even harder so that the cohesion policy will continue to strengthen the cooperation between the countries and between our regions. A strong and safe Europe must be built together through joint efforts to boost competitiveness, innovation and green transition”, says René Jaramillo, President of Euroregion Baltic, after the Executive Board meeting in Brussels today.