Informacje z Euroregionu Bałtyk

Newstl-ne News English pll_650d958927141
Elbląg Network of Water Specialization and Economy - meeting
The Elbląg Water Specialisation and Economy Network, established in April this year on the initiative of the Association of Polish Communes Euroregion Baltic, operating under the leadership of the Elbląg Municipality and coordinated by the Elbląg Technology Park and our Association, had its first physical meeting today. We discussed future initiatives that could realistically be implemented in the near future. Many interesting ideas were put forward to promote Elbląg as a port city with a water tradition. We will now work on activities in the field of water education and the organisation of a water event, with numerous accompanying attractions. Participants in the meeting developed the main areas of future activities, clearly indicating the need to promote water education activities. An important aspect will be the training of teachers in the field of water education and the intensification of promotional events such as waterfront events such as a water parade, a shanty song festival, a joint cooking of fish dishes, competitions related to the above topics, water rescue or diving demonstrations and even a water equipment fair. The next meeting is scheduled for the end of October 2023.