Informacje z Euroregionu Bałtyk

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Download the guidelines "How to stimulate social entrepreneurship with non-formal and informal learning methods"
Dear young people! Are you interested in entrepreneurship? Do you have an idea for your own business? You don't know how to get down to business? WE ENCOURAGE you to download the guide, which will explain in an interesting way what steps should be taken. The publication was created as part of an ongoing project entitled INDIGISE, which is financed by the ERASMUS + program. The project brings together partners from Northern Europe (Lithuania, Latvia, Poland and Norway) around the common goal of promoting the idea of social entrepreneurship among young people. The target group is primarily youth centers and young people who want to start their own business, but lack support, competences and funds.
The INDIGISE project brings together the expertise of universities, NGOs and business network professionals to deliver youth-oriented, innovative educational tools that aim to develop entrepreneurial competences in the field of the social economy and involve young people in social entrepreneurship.
The guide "How to stimulate social entrepreneurship through non-formal and informal learning methods" is designed to help youth workers (teachers, youth leaders, etc.). It indicates methods, techniques and strategies for working with young people and promotes a holistic approach to entrepreneurial attitudes of young people.
The INDIGISE project aims to:
- providing the necessary competences and support tools to enable young people to develop ideas for social business;
- promote the idea of social entrepreneurship and support the establishment of social enterprises in the Baltic Sea region by running an open educational resource platform;
- encouraging young people to innovative and creative thinking, cooperation and risk-taking through InnoCamps, organized in Norway and Lithuania;
- Providing the InnoCamp methodology manual - a step-by-step replicable and transferable tool for youth, schools, NGOs, educators etc;
- promoting good practice among local and international partners to achieve sustainable and collaborative support for social business in the youth sector.
We also recommend the full material prepared in English jointly by our partners: