Informacje z Euroregionu Bałtyk

Aktywny Kreatywnytl-ne Active Creative News English pll_662257621cd32 Aktywny Kreatywny
Design Thinking - Active Creative training, day 1
Today we started another training course as part of the Active Creative project. This time the theme was design thinking. The first day with Design Thinking went extremely constructively. At the beginning, each participant defined what the concept of design thinking is for them, and we also learned about the origins and a piece of history related to the above. We delved into working in interdisciplinary teams, user-centredness, experimentation and testing, and learned about the key stages in the DT process, viz: Empathising, needs diagnosis, idea generation, prototyping and testing. We then moved on to the practical part, where we worked on solving a jointly selected, exemplary problem, namely the deficit of publicly accessible toilets in our city. Under the guidance of our trainer, Magdalena Prech, from Epsylon, we went through the first stages of the process. And tomorrow we will start the next part of the work, starting the day with brainstorming, ending with the construction of a prototype.