Informacje z Euroregionu Bałtyk

Sztum Circular Economytl-ne News Projects Sztum Circular Economy English pll_630f1eb717289 Sztum Circular Economy
Days of the Sztum Land
Invitation to take part in the Days of the Sztum Land, which will take place on 2-4.09.2022 (Friday/Saturday/Sunday) in the City Park (Sztum).
As part of the organised event, there will be a Day with Climate, which is being implemented as part of the Sztum Circular Economy project. This event will take place on the second day of the event on 3.09.2022.
As part of the Day with Climate, it is planned to organise presentations and competitions on the topic of waste management and the impact of waste generation and management behaviour on climate change. As part of the stands, a climate corner will be set up, where workshops will be held to promote the idea of a circular economy. There will be competitions, games and quizzes for children and adults, with prizes being seedlings of trees, shrubs or ornamental plants.