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Aktywny Kreatywnytl-ne Active Creative News English pll_65367b2cb7be6 Aktywny Kreatywny
Creative Design Plus Congress as part of the Active Creative project
The 7th International Creative Congress of Design Plus took place on 19 and 20 October. Congress is one of the major activities of the Active Creative project. Representatives of our Association took an active part in the event. The main theme was the creative industry and its impact on the region, the economy, local identity and business. The event aimed to support entrepreneurship by promoting innovative solutions and activities that change the world for the better. This is the main idea of the Active Creative project.
On Thursday, the Pomeranian Palace of the Academy of Arts in Szczecin hosted a conference entitled 'Design on Prescription', during which there was an opportunity to listen to a number of interesting and constructive talks related to the creative industry and its impact on audiences. Among the invited speakers were Andrzej Podściański from the Department of Funds and European Affairs at the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, Marta Wysocka, architect of space for health, Malwina Bieganowska - vocal coach, vocalist, originator of the project 'Development of creativity with the help of art therapy', founder of the Bieganowska Music Academy, performance artist Jan Bačynsjkyj, service designer & innovation manager Marta Truś, poster designer Wojciech Kołek, and legal advisor Agnieszka Sobejko. There was also a panel discussion referring to the thematic idea of this year's congress. The conference was honoured by a performance by the Chango band.
On the second day, however, a number of workshops were held from the morning, during which participants could broaden their knowledge in topics related to the idea of the event. This year's workshops were: "Emotions and art", "How is technology changing our attention and what can we do about it?", "Mapping the future", "Silk Art Therapy: Unlock the Creative Potential", "When clothing becomes a flag".