Informacje z Euroregionu Bałtyk
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Council of Baltic Sea States - call for proposals is open!
The Secretariat of the Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS/CBSS) has published information on the opening of the call for applications under theProject Support Facility for 2024 (PSF, ), open to eligible entities from Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland and Sweden. The project must involve partners from at least three of the aforementioned countries, and the grant for the project can amount to a maximum of EUR 65,000 (see the documentation on the website for details).
Applications can be submitted until March 31, 2024, according to the guidelines and information posted on the PSF 2024 Call page. Only one call is planned, the amount to be distributed is about EUR 300 thousand.
The PSF was established by the CBSS member states in 2012 to co-finance projects developing and strengthening cooperation in the Baltic Sea region. Poland makes an annual contribution to the PSF for projects.
Projects in 2024 are to focus on strengthening resilience, security, cooperation and trust in the Baltic Sea region. In particular, innovative projects that foster understanding, cooperation and mutual trust-building for more resilient societies are encouraged. Submitted projects should relate to one of the three long-term priorities of the CBSS. Specific thematic areas under the Safe and Secure Region priority are also indicated.
PSF 2024 Thematic Priorities:
1. Safe and secure region, where the following three thematic areas were specifically identified:
- Civil Security
- Child protection, justice and assistance (Protection, justice and support for children)
- Anti-trafficking.
- "Regional identity"
- "Sustainable and Prosperous Region"
If you have any questions about PSF 2024, please contact the CBSS Secretariat directly, where Ms. Katerina Popova, CBSS Project Support Facility Coordinator, is in charge of recruitment, +46 73 801 55 20,