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Circular Muse - Kick-off Conference 20-21.11.2024 -part 1
The kick-off conference of Circular MuSe project took place in Sopot and was organized by the project leader, Gdańsk University of Technology, on 20-21 of November 2024.
Day 1 - 20.11.2024
The meeting was attended by partners from Poland, Lithuania, Sweden and Denmark. They were welcomed by the host and the plan for the next two days was presented. The first day was devoted to a world coffee workshop on individual action packages. Each leader responsible for the implementation of the WP (work package) presented the scope of activities that will be carried out. Participants changed tables as part of the work in the form of a world cafe, where each table had a different question related to a given WP. This allowed for the collection of ideas from partners and information related to the situation, among others, the legal situation in the given countries.

As part of gathering inspiration, the project leader took the participants on a study visit to the Karlikowska Retention Reservoir, where there are interesting solutions for water use and land development.