Informacje z Euroregionu Bałtyk

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Board Meeting and XLIX General Meeting of the APC ERB
The XLIX General Meeting of Members of Association of Polish Communes Euroregion Baltic was held today, 4 November, preceded by a meeting of the STG ERB Board. Members of the Association adopted a number of resolutions on organisational matters.
By virtue of a resolution, representatives of the Association in the Youth Council of the Euroregion Baltic were officially appointed. The information contained in the substantive and financial report on the activities of the Association for the year 2023 was summarised and the current project activities of the APC ERB, submitted and prepared applications, results of competitions and support programmes were presented. A representative of the municipality of Jonkowo - a potential member of our Association - was also welcomed. Regarding the Association's accession to the emerging organisational and legal form of the EGTC, the question remains open.
At the end of the meeting the Chairman of the Association's Board, Witold Wróblewski, wished the participants all the best for the upcoming Christmas holidays.