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Aktywny Kreatywnytl-ne Active Creative News English pll_662252b24a7d0 Aktywny Kreatywny

Active Creative Project - branding training - day 2

The second day of the brand-building training course from the Active Creative project has just concluded. Today, participants were equipped with the necessary tools and unique information related to launching a new brand, or product, on the market. We worked on building the image of the future brand, defined its strategy, also received practical tips on how to act in the media and information related to comprehensive financial management. The training, rich both in content and theory, will certainly help those interested to achieve success on their professional path.

We would like to thank Ms Ewelina Strawa for conducting the training.

The project AkTYwny KreaTYwny - Stimulating the spirit of cultural and creative entrepreneurship is co-financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage under the Culture Programme, co-financed by the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021.

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