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A big celebration of the ENGAGE! project, June 17, Gdańsk-Oliwa
Reminder! In just a few days, this Saturday, June 17 '23, there will be a big celebration of the ENGAGE project!
WHERE: Gdańsk, ul. Wita Stwosza 23
The final conference is organized by BISER - Project Leader
We meet at 10:00 am and at 11:00 am there will be a panel discussion on the transfer of ENGAGE experience!
If you are an organization that has benefited from the services of the Office of International Cooperation advice and participated in the meetings of the ENGAGE! project, where we talked about the problems of your organization and encouraged you to take action in partnership with the countries of the Baltic Sea - THIS event is for you! Come to Gdansk and you will meet there people who are socially active like you!

After the panel there will be a short break, during which those wishing to attend can participate in a discussion about cooperation between NGOs and local governments, there will also be time for networking and additional questions. At 1:30 p.m. the picnic and lunch begins, to which you are cordially invited, there will be hot, cold, salty, sweet, vege and meat options 🙂
After lunch there is a series of short, inspiring talks in the form of #prawieTEDex followed by our ENGAGE workshop from 3:30 pm! for which BISER has prepared brand new, up-to-date training materials. This will be an additional opportunity to discuss the latest project calls, upcoming Baltic cooperation events (and more), consult project ideas, etc.
The project is implemented with a grant from the Active Citizens - National Fund funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Funds _
Remember! Admission free!